YoY®-CollaborateSC - Track & Trace Collaboration Tool

What is the challenge?
The core of the challenge arises from the fact that tasks concerning the extended supply chain affect many different areas of a company. Information is created in silos, information is used in silos.
End-to-end supply chain workflows are usually not in place.
Example Recall Management: Data-supported product recalls via app
Product recalls are never good, are they? On the one hand, the identification and localisation of the affected products in the event of a recall is often only possible with a great deal of manual reconstruction effort, thus causing enormous costs, and on the other hand, there is the threat of a great loss of public image.
But what if you could make a virtue out of necessity and even increase your customers' trust in your brand through quick reactions and transparent communication, while significantly reducing the costs of a recall?"
What is special?
YoY®-CollaborateSC is a track & trace collaboration tool that organises the complete workflow for documenting and managing extended supply chains. Information can be collected and used across departments.
Example of individual functions:
- Recall management
- Master data collection
- CSR certificate management
- ISO certificate management
YoY® Recall-Management with Integration of SAP Material Traceability Blockchain
Compatibility with the YoY®-Plattform
Creating internal and external supply chain transparency requires that supply chains are captured and documented. YoY®-CollaborateSC can be used completely separately from the other YoY®-BuildingBlocks. For example, all first project steps to upgrade the external supply chain.
Full compatibility with the YoY® platform can elevate YoY®-CollaborateSC to a central management solution.
Area Relevance
What relevance does the Building Block Module develop for the individual divisions?