YoY SAP Consulting Frankfurt

Center of Excellence - Frankfurt/Germany

Core of any end2end tracked Value Supply Chain remains the ERP-System. A core-team of SAP experts with a focus on supply chain complements the squad of YoY® eSCP (extended Supply Chain Planning) consultants.

YoY eSCP extended Supply Chain Planning System

Expertise & Resources within the YoY® Eco-System

An eSCP implementation project may require a wide area of expertise as well as human resources. It is our goal to complement available client resources to extend that is necessary to deliver a turnkey project. Among the resources needed one may find:

  • eSCP-consultant
  • eSCP-developer (API)
  • Supply chain analyst
  • ERP-consultant (SAP)
  • ERP-developer
  • Full stack developer
  • Digital marketing expert
  • Strategy and business technology consulting

To serve our fast growing base of customers with the best expertise possible and the resources needed, we build on a reputable eco-system partner network. 
